Resources - History & Genealogy

This should be your first stop if you are researching history or genealogy as it relates to Mennonites of Prussian/Russian ancestry.  LINK

A wealth of information available here, including family histories and a treasure trove of online articles in their publication, “Roots and Branches”. LINK

Genealogy and historical research links to Mennonite organizations and institutions. LINK

A publication of the Mennonite Heritage Archives and the MB Centre for Mennonite Studies. This archives provides online access to journals dating back to 1976.   LINK

It is not an overstatement to say that this site is a ‘gold mine’ of information, relating to Mennonite history and genealogy in their Russian settlements. The researcher will find hundreds of maps and documents and thousands of images. The site is constantly being up-dated. The site offers translation for visitors who are familiar only with English. Do not overlook this site in your research.  LINK

This is part of a larger Mennonite DNA Project with includes all Anabaptist groups of Dutch, German or Swiss descent. These include Amish, Hutterites, Old Order Mennonites and others. If you have had your DNA testing done and wish to participate in this project, contact one of the two principles leading this project. The contact information will be on this site.   LINK

This site provides reliable, freely-available English-language information on Anabaptist-related congregations, denominations, conferences, institutions and significant individuals, as well as historical and theological topics. A good source for general research.   LINK

A discovery site for Mennonite Archives across North America. Provides copies of photos and documents at a nominal cost.   LINK

GRanDMAGenealogical Registry anDatabase of Mennonite Ancestry. LINK

It contains genealogical information on Mennonite and Hutterite individuals, most of whose ancestral lines can be traced to Mennonite and Hutterite communities in Prussia (now Poland) and South Russia (now Ukraine). It is the product of collecting and merging data from thousands of family histories, church records, obituaries, government records and other contributions.

An excellent source of information and links to a wide variety of genealogical resources.    LINK

I maintain a tree at MyHeritage to which all “relatives” are invited. LINK

I maintain a tree at, to which all “relatives” are invited. LINK

Well-researched articles on topics relating to our Russian Mennonite history. LINK

A periodical published in Manitoba by the Plett Foundation. “It supports and promotes history research projects related to the cultural background, the migration and settlement, and descendant communities of the conservative Mennonites who came to Manitoba from imperial Russia in the 1870s.”
At this link, you will find previous issues of Preservings, a periodical one may also subscribe to. LINK