Neumann Biographies

     Heinrich and Sarah Neumann had 16 children, however three died in infancy, in Russia. These biographies provide a glimpse into the lives of the Neumann siblings. The time period between the oldest and youngest siblings is 23 years and therefore, details of their family life may differ from one to the other, because of the simple reason that each person experienced life differently.


     One sibling may describe the early years in Russia as times of abject poverty, and another may describe those years as having adequate food and clothing, and an enjoyable life. These brief summaries have been provided by family members for the most part. 


     Heinrich and Sarah Neumann’s direct descendants number 315 today (2023). If one were to count all direct descendants, including spouses, of Andreas Neumann (1735—1808), the total count would be approximately 15,800.

Heinrich Dietrich Neumann


A Sunday afternoon hockey game. John(4th) and Neil(6th), from left.

Heinrich and Helen.

Kay, John, Heinrich, Helen

Heinrich, with sons, Dick, Henry, and David.

Sibling fun, Saskatchewan

Picking Hops, Chilliwack, BC, ca. 1950

Kay, Sally, Hilrie, Helen

Sarah Neumann, with Helen, John, Peter, Neil, and Kay.

Dick, Henry, Jake

In window, Hilrie & Margaret; Standing: John, Peter, Neil